Smoke Free Spaces FAQs
What is a designated area?
Some countries have designated areas for people to smoke in, even outside. This is similar to a lot of pubs in this country where their outside areas are split with smoking and non-smoking sections.
While there are no plans currently for designated smoking areas in Maidstone, we want to know your thoughts on different ways that we can make Maidstone a healthy place to live and work for everyone.
The first step is to have spaces that we ask people not to smoke or vape in. Our Smoke Free Spaces are areas outside of public buildings and in council operated parks and children’s play areas.
Parks are big, why include these?
We have included the parks in the Smoke Free Spaces as people and families use these for health and leisure activities. They are also places that have wildlife and are prone to environmental damage from cigarette butts and vape litter. We are asking people to be considerate of these spaces and other users by including them in Smoke Free Spaces.
How is it going to be enforced?
There is no enforcement of Smoke Free Spaces, we are asking people to consider other members of our community when they smoke or vape to make Maidstone a pleasant and healthy place for all.
If it is not enforceable, what’s the point?
Like many things that impact health, people have personal choices and freedoms that are important to keep. We are asking people to use that same choice and freedom to consider the impacts of where they are choosing to smoke or vape.
Why include vaping, isn’t it healthier than smoking?
Whilst vaping is less harmful than smoking, it shouldn’t be encouraged as a healthy alternative or option. People that start vaping are more likely to start smoking, and there are still health and addiction implications of vaping.
As well as this, second hand vapour impacts other peoples’ enjoyment of the areas and the litter caused by vaping has drastic environmental implications.
Where should I smoke/vape instead?
The Smoke Free Spaces are located around the entranceways to buildings. Similar to hospitals, we are asking people to move away from the entrance way and be considerate of other members of the public.
Where can i go for advice and support on giving up smoking/vaping?
If you want support to quit smoking, you can get support from 'One You Kent' by visiting this website and accessing our non-smoking services One You Kent - Kent County Council.