Comment on the Draft Conservation Area Appraisal for Staplehurst
Staplehurst is a village located 9 miles (14 km) south of the town of Maidstone. The village lies on the route of a Roman road, which is now incorporated into the A229. The village is located on a geological area known as the Low Weald, with the geology formed of Weald Clay Formation – Limestone. The local environment was previously dominated by swamps, estuaries, and deltas. The area was originally cleared for the feeding of swine (on acorns from the Wealden Forest). It has subsequently proved to be valuable agricultural land, and this has been the basis of the economy ever since.
Staplehurst Conservation Area was designated by Maidstone Borough Council 26 November 1987. Despite development encroaching on the Conservation Area, the boundary remains unaltered.
We welcome your comments on this plan by 17 March 2024 .