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Horrendous over population and consistent traffic problems

My life generally is effected by the constant traffic issues we face on seemingly a daily basis living in Lenham on the A20 corridor.

Op Brock and Stack before it cause complete mayhem and misery in my areA. The back roads become flooded with cars trying to avoid the delays and many of these get blocked by larger vehicles trying to escape from the jams.
We have suffered along this stretch of road for the last three years due to the continued and highly impactive multiple building projects that also cause severe delays due to road closures and utility installations. It’s horrendous and not fair!!! You can’t keep building in this area it’s not sustainable and the new developments are not even looked after. The rubbish and general state of the new build by Lenham station is atrocious.
Teo Saturdays ago it was absolute carnage in Lenham village and the raids weee so snarled up, even Lenham square that I wasn’t able to go shopping as it just wasn’t worth the queuing. Disgusting that we have to suffer.

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