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Huge Lorries using small roads not designed for them, Noise and Air pollution. Large increase in litter & Rubbish.

Hello. The closure of the M20 section for Operation Brock has been done purely as a consideration on where to park lorries and divert them. No consideration is given to residents in the surrounding areas. We suffer high volumes of large lories, sometimes lost, blocking and filling roads never intended for them. The noise levels are increased 24 hours a day and with it comes the air pollution. Even when stationary many of these lorries are running their engines and air conditioning units to preserve perishable cargoes. This polution is added to the air. The amounts of rubbish thrown onto verges, payments and even the road carriageway drastically increases. There is no adequate provision fo toilet for the drivers therefore they deposit human waste into verges causing health risks. What few litter bins there are are quickly overfilled and seem to be never emptied leading to fly tipping around them,.

The roads themselves are worn out more quickly. Gullies are broken and pushed out of position, kerbs broken and footpaths crushed by the weight of the traffic. This causes flooding and further damage in the winter. All this has to be repaired at cost to the Kent Council Tax Payer. The lorries contribute nothing to the damage they cause.

Normal traffic is hindered and delayed affecting commercial and domestic travel.

It's blindingly apparent that we need lorry parks for these vehicles and that the lorries are compulsorily made to park in them. Thes need proper facilities for the drivers to access toilets, washing facilities, food & drink and a place to take their compulsory breaks. Compulsory charges should be made for this by collection on entry to the country for foreign lorries and a charge for British lorries on accessing the parking.

Possible locations include Detling commercial park, areas opposite the existing services at Folkestone on the M20 and possibly the Wrotham junction where the M26 and M20 meet. Consideration could be given to provision in the Ebbsfleet area as it being developed.

Overall, we are breathing polluted air, suffering continuous traffic noise, damage to our infrastructure, increased journey and therefore fuel costs.

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