Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document Preferred Approaches (Regulation 18b)
Consultation has concluded

Help shape the future plan for accommodating Maidstone’s Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities
As part of Maidstone Borough Council’s commitment to meeting the accommodation needs of the borough’s Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities in a sustainable way, we would like to hear from you about our proposed approaches to addressing the provision of pitches and plots in the borough. Do you agree or disagree with our proposals or are there more preferable alternatives? How can we refine the policies to best achieve the Plan’s proposed objectives?
Also open for comment is the Sustainability Appraisal Report that accompanies the preferred approaches Plan.
This consultation is the second formal opportunity for you to have your say, following the first consultation (Regulation 18a) that took place February to April 2023.
How can you get involved?
1. Read the material – There are two documents open for consultation:
1) The ‘Preferred Approaches’ (Regulation 18b) Plan; and
2) The Sustainability Appraisal Report.
All materials are available to view under ‘Related Links’ to the right of this webpage, or on our Planning Policy webpage. Hard copies are available to view at the borough’s libraries and main Council offices (King Street, Maidstone). Libraries Opening Hours.
2. Give us your feedback – Complete the relevant survey at the bottom of this page or use our online portal: Objective.
Alternatively, you can download the Response Forms under ‘Related Links’ to the right of this webpage and return via email or post (details are on the Response Forms).
Consultation closes: 5pm on 12 December 2024.
What next: The information you provide will help us to understand your thoughts on our preferred policy approaches and how we can best refine the Plan. This feedback will help us draft the next stage of the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document – the proposed submission Plan (Regulation 19).