Using the main motorway to Europe as a lorry park is crazy.
Brock has been slightly improved by having the crossover after junction 8, instead of being between junctions 7 & 8 as it was previously, as it means fewer overnight closures between junctions 7 & 8. However it has caused problems as traffic cannot access the coastbound carriageway from junction 8 and has to go via junction 7.
I need to travel from junction 6 to 8 when coming home from work, as coming off at junction 7 is impossible as there is too much traffic in all the surrounding roads and the New Cut/Ashford Road/Willington Street corridor cannot take the volume of traffic. This is the main access point for the M20 for most Maidstone residents and is frequently gridlocked as too much development has been allowed.
The junction 8 roundabout is very dangerous as people using the services have to go back to junction 7 to access the coastbound carriageway. Many users of the services are not local and become very confused as to which exit they should take. I have seen many near misses where vehicles don't know where to go.
The signage on the coastbound M20 between junctions 7 & 8 is very poor and the signs advising traffic which lanes they need to be in, start at the half mile point which is too late. On many occasions I have seen vehicles switching lane at the last minute. The signs need to start further back along the M20.
With the reduced number of lanes, any breakdown or accident causes severe congestion between junctions 8 & 9 as there is nowhere for stranded vehicles to go, other than remain on live lanes. When this happens the A20 also becomes gridlocked.
Building lorry parks nearer the ports is the only option, as using the main motorway to the continent as a lorry park is crazy.
Consultation has concluded.